Sermons by Pastor General

316330 of 495 items

“Truth is My Liberty”


Truth has a few definitions, one is: in accordance to fact or reality. Another definition is in relation to the philosophers and scientists. The definition of interest is: a fact or belief that is accepted as true spiritually and universally. The word of God says: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will […]

”Without the Holy Spirit, there is Nothing”


“You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ” (Ro 8:9, NIV). This great affirmation that the Holy Spirit makes regarding […]

“Is God in Your Life Project? “


In the world, the enemy lies and deceives; he knows that our flesh is weak. If we have not been born again, we do not have the mind of Christ, and we are attracted to: prices, gifts, glory, etc. Whether it is in our youth or adolescents, sports come up—therefore ignoring that physical training is […]

“Peregrines, Lovers of Justice”


God placed in his chosen, a deep feeling of justice and eternity. But in that amnesia, provoked by the insult and trauma of sin, there only rests a distant and blurry memory of a justice. In addition, life does not end here, instead there is something more glorious; and sheltered in a minuscule hope, there […]

“What Motivates Me to Live”


In the imaginary horizon of time, what is the measurement of the life of a human? It is so small and insignificant that if there existed a calibrator to measure it, it would be to a nanometric reading. In simpler terms, let’s say that it is very small. We could almost assure that life is […]

“Our Actions and Reactions are of a Spiritual Origin”


Let us remember, my beloved brothers, that we were created in the image and likeness of God. Image: a representation of the external form of a person or thing. But in the context it is a broader term encompassing the auditory, olfactory, and tactile etc. Likeness: the quality or fact of being alike, resemblance. In […]

“The Woman Who Instructs”


Wise is one who before looking for a wife does not rush, but instead believes in what was said by our Lord Jesus Christ: “But seek first his kingdom and righteousness, listen carefully, first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well and you will have a suitable […]

“Those Which Love God are as the Sun”


The title may seem as a bold affirmation due to the meaning of its words, but this is a biblical title, supported by God himself. Every believer that loves and values God is a powerful instrument in his hands, and they are able to create a huge impact in the spiritual world. This title can […]

“Transgender through the lens of the Bible”


We’re currently living in the epilog of the human race. Today more than ever Satan employs his strategies of evil, through the use of lies and confusion to drive this generation to its spiritual death. Today, I want to refer to that exacerbation that was prophesized by God himself. He prophesized of that confusion of […]

“We will have eternal life remaining in Him”


Today, as an illustration of what is going on in the world, education at all levels has been multiplying, having as a goal graduating at the university level. In Guatemala, seven decades ago there used to be one university in the capital city and in two or three other important cities, with the formation of […]

“Praise God”


We are in the midst of a world filled with noises, a world that gives away glories and praise to every imaginable thing such as: love, the moon, stars, women, men, mountains, rivers, lakes, birds, etc. There exist a peculiarity regarding human beings, which is due to a capacity given by God. This capacity is […]

“Discouragement and Its Origins”


For humans, there exist many evils and sufferings, which are capable of making someone loose their balance. These evils and sufferings can be transitory or lasting. In their own time they will affect specific areas that, if not put under control, could migrate to other areas and as a consequence, manifest great evils. If we […]