Sermons by Pastor General

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“The lack of love”

Love is popular, we see it in books, poems, soap operas, and everyone talks about it; it’s so popular that it’s incomprehensible to understand the true divine meaning of love. But what’s reflected is the selfishness and pleasure of receiving someone’s affection, exploiting the sentiments and services of someone. The problem of love, the way […]

“The Power of Faith”

“From the end of the earth I will cry to you whenever my heart is overwhelmed. Place me on the rock that’s too high for me. For you have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength before the enemy. Let me make my home in your tent forever; let me hide under the […]

Come Holy Spirit, come

I remember, 37 years ago, a leader of a church, to which I pertained to, with anger tried to convinced us about the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the church by saying, “the virtues of holy spirit were necessary in those times, to confirm the presence of God among men, but today, it’s no […]

“Being wise and understanding”

The end-times are near.  According to the prophecies, there are many churches but their effect on the world is not the one that mankind needs.  People searches for peace and tranquility but with the satisfaction of desire of the flesh and eyes; they delight themselves in vain glories, while the bible says: “And the world […]

My acts determine my abundance

With every word, action, fruit, and manifestation of conduct, determines who we are and who governs our interior being because, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things; and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth […]

The Church’s Sickness: The apostasy

Since long ago, God’s Holy Spirit, warned of this endemic evil that would occur within the Christian church.  A sickness prophesied by God’s holy men, and even though it was anticipated, there was no way of stopping it.  At this point of time, the situation is dramatically unsustainable.  The abomination of desolation, as the prophet […]