Sermons by Pastor General

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Love God and not the World

The love of God is not for oneself, but for others; just like Jesus Christ gave is body and life for us, to grant us eternal life: “Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me: In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure.  Then said I, […]

“The function of the church”


We can´t ignore the significance of the word church; the term used by the Lord Jesus to identify the people he was going to form, through the message he brought from God. Let’s read: “And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my <<church>>; and the gates of hell […]

“God, help us to be chosen”


In the world, without Christ, we are deceived by malignant and evil generation. Those who like to be served and not to serve believing that they are superior than others, it’s because they don’t know the One who says: Learn from me; for I am meek and lowly in heart.  The world is rule by […]

Patience, a virtue for salvation


Biblically we know there are a diversity of virtues of ministry and operations, each one is a blessing usage for the church, a projection to all.  Virtues such as wisdom, science, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, spirits discernment, and interpretation of tongues.   Additionally, there are personalize virtues like it is the fruits of the Spirit: […]

“La paciencia es un don para salvación”


Bíblicamente sabemos que hay diversidad de dones, de ministerios y de operaciones, pero que a cada uno le es dado para provecho y además, que el beneficio como cuerpo espiritual que es la iglesia, es con proyección hacia todos. De allí, los hay de: sabiduría, de ciencia, de fe, de sanidades, de milagros, de profecía, […]

The Dangers of Apathy

In this era, the lack of dynamism and commitment gospel has drag Christian churches to a religious state of “accommodation.”  This “accommodation,” is what the apostle Paul describe as the product of the pernicious and diabolical apathy.  The apostle exhorted the church in Rome, the capital of the world in those days. Rome was plagued […]

“El peligro de la desidia”

La falta de un evangelio dinámico y comprometido, ha arrastrado a la iglesia cristiana del presente siglo, a un acomodamiento espiritual y religioso. El conformarse al presente siglo, como lo escribiera el apóstol Pablo, es justamente el producto de esa perniciosa y diabólica desidia. El apóstol exhorta a la iglesia en Roma, la capital del […]